3D Women Portfolio

Communication Audit

My team was tasked with conducting a communication audit of 3D Women’s existing content, platforms, and website. This task was tedious and allowed us to dive into the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats the organization faces.

View my team’s communication audit here!

Fact Sheet

I created a general fact sheet to help people understand 3D Women’s mission and programs.

View the fact sheet here!

Direct Mail Letter

I created a direct mail letter to send to high school students to ask them to volunteer with 3D Women.

Read the direct mail here!

Reflection Essay

Here is a reflection of all of my thoughts and takeaways from the semester!

In the Hussman School of Journalism and Media at UNC-Chapel Hill I took the course, Public Relations Writing. It helped me develop my skills as a writing and communication professional. We were paired with a nonprofit client as a part of the APPLES Service Learning Program where I was blessed to have the opportunity to work with 3D Women in Durham! Working with this nonprofit that empowers women was extremely rewarding as I polished my skills and gave back to an organization that does such good for the community. I organized and led team meetings, created an omnichannel media kit which included a communication audit, speech, and news release, created a brochure, and much more.

View a collection of all of the work I completed for 3D Women along with my time log and reflection essay here!

Holiday Giving Campaign News Release

I created a news release for the organization’s Holiday Giving Campaign!

View the news release here!


I created a profile of 3D Women’s Board Member Rosie Jackson.

Read all about Rosie here!

Public Service Announcement

A Public Service Announcement is a great PR tool to inform people about new opportunities. Read this one for 3D Women which can be used to get student volunteers involved in the organization.

PSA can be seen here!


I wrote a speech for the founder, Tiwana Adams to give about their Holiday Giving Campaign.

Read the speech here!


Tiwana Adams wanted some new content to provide a fresh look for the organization therefore, I created this brochure and my team worked to design other social media posts and videos in a cohesive style! Here is my brochure…