Hi, I’m Emma.
My name is Emma Gilliam. I graduated from UNC-Chapel Hill with double majors in Advertising/Public Relations and Political Science in May 2024. I am now pursuing my Master’s in Public Administration at the UNC School of Government. With this degree, I aspire to find a career that allows me to utilize my communication skills and work in a field I am passionate about. I would love to work for a nonprofit organization or local government that would allow me to utilize my skills while working to positively impact my community. Until then, I enjoy growing my skills and learning every day.
I have always had an interest in politics, government, communications, and writing. My two majors reflect these passions and I have gained notable experience in both fields through interning in local government communications, campaigning, and other volunteer work.
Here is a collection of my work and a place to get to know me a little more!

some things I’ve been up to lately…

Project Manager for a Public Relations Project with the NASCAR team, 23XI
In my Sports Communication course, I serve as a team leader for Jumpstart PR. This is a team of nine students working to research and develop a promotional plan and on-site activation for the team to engage a younger and more diverse fanbase. Visit the page to view our final project!

APPLES Service Learning with the nonprofit, 3D Women
In the Hussman School of Journalism and Media at UNC-Chapel Hill I took the course, Public Relations Writing. We were paired with a nonprofit client as a part of the APPLES Service Learning Program where I was blessed to have the opportunity to work with 3D Women in Durham! I organized and led team meetings and created an omnichannel media kit. View my portfolio to see all the work I did for the organization.